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LOAD ROUNDS is the heart of the reloading center. Here you can import data from THE PRESS ROOM, BULLETS section, POWDER section, PRIMER section and the BRASS section. These sections make up your inventory.

01) When starting a new loading session click on NEW RECORD. A reloading session number will be created.


02) Then enter the date. Next, select a press from the pull-down menu under PRESS USED.

03) After that, if you use <TAB>, you will be directed to the IMPORT DATA fields. From here you can select a BULLET group to import, a POWDER group to import, a PRIMER group to import, and a BRASS group to import. You can import groups two ways. You can click the larger color coded box to instantly make a selection from the pull-down menu, or you can click the small color coded box directly above it to go directly to that inventory section. You will then be shown a large red button that says 'EXPORT TO LOAD ROUNDS' on each group. Simply decide from there.

NOTE: These inventory screen records are referred to as GROUPS, which is explained in the individual inventory sections.

Once you select a group, data from that group is imported to the appropriate fields in this screen. This not only allows for easy entering of data, but also allows for automatic updating.

04) CUSTOM FIELDS from the inventory sections are also imported. Click on the CUSTOM button to see them.

Some fields may still be left blank. Fill in these fields if desired.

05) Next, and your final step, click in the ROUNDS LOADED field and enter the number of rounds to be loaded. If you exceed any part of the inventory (i.e., more powder is needed than what you imported) you will be flagged. Always do this step last.

06) C.O.L. (Cartridge Overall Length) is always a manual entry.

07) Clicking on DETAILS will show you a summary of all costs per round. Here you can also manually enter or adjust most figures (V1c.3 or greater). You would only need to manually enter data here if you were not using the automatic import features.

08) You can now also create a LOT NUMBER for this configuration. Doing so will allow you to be able to duplicate the data for another reloading session with a click of a button. If intending to use this feature and duplicate a LOT NUMBER, do so after your TRANSFER TO AMMO DUMP or MARK AS COMPLETED the current session. This will allow your inventory to be first updated before being re-imported for another session.

ALSO NOTE: If you import or re-import an inventory after you assigned a LOT NUMBER, that LOT NUMBER will be erased. This is because you changed the original specifications. The LOT NUMBER will NOT change if you change the press. Often a reloader wants the same combination of inventory but will use a different press. Since this is not a commercial endeavor some creative license can be tolerated. 

09) After you entered all the data for your reload session, click on the button TRANSFER OR MARK. You will then see two options: TRANSFER TO AMMO DUMP and MARK AS COMPLETED.

TRANSFER TO AMMO DUMP will take all the rounds you loaded and create a new record in THE AMMO DUMP with all the proper information imported and giving it a new AMMO ID number and adding those rounds to your total ammo count. If you transfer 200 rounds it will create one new ammo record as a box containing 200 rounds. This function will also update your inventory and press (if you've used the auto-update feature of importing your inventory).

You can also DIVIDE AND TRANSFER your reloaded rounds into several boxes in amounts you choose. For example, if you reload 200 rounds, in the field ROUNDS PER BOX you can say 50 rounds per box. The program will divide that and create four new boxes of ammo and import that to THE AMMO DUMP as above. You can also say, for example, 75 rounds per box, and this program will divide and create two boxes of 75 rounds each and one box of 50 rounds. Leaving the ROUNDS PER BOX blank will default to only one box. Cost per box, created lot numbers and all reloading notes are also transferred. This function will also update your inventory and press (if you've used the auto-update feature of importing your inventory).

MARK AS COMPLETED will NOT import any reloads to THE AMMO DUMP. It will only update your inventory and the press (if you've used the auto-update feature of importing your inventory).

After automatically updating the individual inventory records (GROUPS), you will be able to easily search your records for details on what was used to create your reloads.

10) Completed sessions are marked with a green check mark, darkened fields and other visual notes.

11) Clicking on a button that represents that inventory will display only that inventory and hide the others. Click on it again to show all. This will help in simplifying your view when necessary.This will only hide the fields and not effect any notes recorded or any calculations performed (version 1c.3 or greater).

12) Clicking on the button at the right of the MANUFACTURER fields will hide all manufacturer names to help with screen clutter. This will only hide the fields and not effect any notes recorded or any calculations performed (version 1c.5 or greater).

OK, what if you don't want to use automatic features? Well, you can keep life very simple by just using this section to keep data on your reloading sessions. Perhaps for years you have being using your own method to keep inventory data, maybe on a spreadsheet, and you don't want to change that.  It will still update your press and it will still move inventory to THE AMMO DUMP if you want. Just input the information requested manually. The beauty of this database is that you could use all the features or just the few that you want.

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